Friday 6 December 2013

Week 3 - 3/10/2013

Physician-assisted suicide might help the patients from suffering the pain, but it hurts people who around the patient. There are many solutions for every single sickness, patient should not give up to live. Since the patient dare to have physician-assisted then why not they be brave to face the sickness. I think this is not a right way to do for a patient. I will not support my patient's decision to die as I am a doctor, because I think that doctor has the responsible to help and cure their patient. If a doctor supports their patient to die, who will still encourage the patient to live? Doctor who has this attitude will affect the patient and cause bad consequences. I will support her decision to show respect and because I understand her feeling. I will feel sad but I still need to accept the true. In another way, I will not support because I need to appreciate the time when she is still here. Otherwise, I will regret about it.

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